Helpful and interesting links for Mount Airy the surrounding area.... 

Area information

Information on Surry County and Mount Airy is located on this website

Visiting North Carolina and looking for certain events? Check out to learn more about this area.

Learn more about wine country in North Carolina at

City information

The Mount Airy Visitors Center has a wonderful website complete with information to help you plan your visit at

The City of Mount Airy's website is

Downtown Mount Airy has their own website full of information at

Learn more about the business community from the Chamber of Commerce at

Reeves Community Center in Mount Airy is Surry County's largest Rec Center. Learn more at....

Local newspapers:

The Mount Airy News has a website at

Local radio stations broadcasting from Mount Airy

WPAQ, 740am. Learn more at

WSYD, 1300am. New website coming soon at

Museums and The Arts

The Surry Arts Council's website is full of information if you are interested in art, music, theater, and so much more.... at

The Earle Theatre events are at the Surry Art's Councils website at

For information on the rich history of Mount Airy, visit the Mount Airy Museum of Regional History offering changing events and exhibits. Check out their website at for more information. Ghost  and cemetery tours available too. 

The Andy Griffith Museum is full of memorabilia collected by his friend Emmitt Forrest. Information, hours, admission is at

Outdoor Events and Activities

Mount Airy's Parks & Recreation website is

Westwood Park golf, mountain bike trails, fishing pond, etc)

Mount Airy's Greenways 

The Blackmon Amphitheater has live music and fantastic events from Spring to Fall you don't want to miss....learn more at

Autumn Leaves Festival is an annual event in mid October, full of Bluegrass music, gorgeous autumn color, arts & crafts lining the streets, complete with great country cooking. For  more information please visit


Interested in moving to Mount Airy? Information on the school system is available at


For information on Mount Airy's Hospital services and physicians, go to

Non-profit organizations

Adding soon....